Come for the Gear, Stay for the Advice


Come for the Gear, Stay for the Advice

Beyond the shoes, clothes and fuel that all runners need, is the one element you can’t buy. You can’t find it in just any store and it’s not a one-size fits all piece of gear. It may change depending on the season, the race, and the runner’s experience. Sometimes it changes day to day, and Springfield Running Center always has it in stock.


Should I change my shoe brand now that I’m interested in running longer distances? How can I avoid blisters? What should I wear when the temperature changes? Do I need to eat on a long run? Have I outgrown my beginner’s training plan?

Springfield Running Center has all of the gear that you need whether you’re just starting to run or you’re an experienced runner. The best part, though, is the advice that comes when you shop.

Try it the next time you stop by the store. While you’re trying on a new pair of running shoes, ask the staff what races are on their upcoming calendars and pump Tracy for advice on how she’s preparing for the Indianapolis marathon next month. Stop by on a Thursday evening for a yoga class and ask what you can do to alleviate the hip pain you’ve been experiencing. Wondering why you’re 5K time isn’t improving? Start with a Thursday night fun run, and ask the fellow runners and Springfield Running Center staff how they set up their tempo runs.

If you’re still recovering from the Springfield marathon or your latest long run, Springfield Running Center has recovery tools, too, and can get you back on the road and ready to start working towards your fall training schedule.

Fall is the perfect time to reflect on your summer runs and to reevaluate your running goals. If you’re planning a new challenge for the spring, the training and preparation starts now. While you’re looking for races to add to your calendar and sorting through the hundreds of training plans you’ll find on the internet, run into Springfield Running Center to gather the gear you’ll need to train for those new goals. While you’re there, take advantage of the knowledge Springfield Running Center passes out for free. Add Springfield Running Center to your Facebook and Twitter and share your accomplishments with the community.

Springfield Running Center wants you to be comfortable in your gear and confident in your running and that’s why it has created a community of runners throughout the Springfield area. Come for the shoes and get the advice for free!




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